Strategic Leadership Planning

A Hands-On Strategic Planning Session Designed to Deliver The Vision and the Bottom-Line Path to Competitive Advantage

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Process Description

The Strategic Leadership Planning process is designed for groups with an emphasis on marketing, sales, customer service and production. The process is ideally presented at a remote meeting site for at least 16 hours of group work, usually over two to two and one half days.

Data gathering and analysis is completed by participants to bring with them to the session. While not an overwhelming task, it provides a running start to competitive and product/service analysis.

Results from the Strategic Leadership Planning Process

·        Prioritize your key success factors for organizational growth and dominance.

·        Scan the environmental for primary external assumptions, which will impact the organization in the near and more distant future.

·        Determine your organizational opportunities and threats to be addressed strategically.

·        Develop a “balanced scorecard” approach to setting SMART objectives.

·        Analyze your internal problems and potentials to take action with as leaders who implement the strategic initiatives.

·        Assess the market dynamics assessment and your competition.

·        Prioritize your strategic initiatives and business plan

·        Launch your platform of long-term visionary leadership values and scenarios.


Session Outline

1. Strategic Leadership in the Blur

2. Analysis and Prioritization of Key Success Factors

3. External Analysis: Determination of Opportunities and Threats

4. Using the Balance Scorecard Approach to Set Objectives

5. Internal Analysis: Important Driving and Restraining Forces

6. Market Dynamics Assessment

7. Competitive Analysis

8. The Strategic Priorities Work Plan

9. Visionary Leadership: The Eight Ways Strategic Leaders Lead Change


Group Composition

One or several Business Units that are accountable for the bottom line results of the group. Participants must have the authority to implement the initiatives developed at the Strategic Leadership Planning Process

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